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Supporting Northwest

How you can Donate to NWBUC

 Our church is supported by the giving’s of the community who attend our services in person and on line. If you feel you would like to help support the work of our church, there are a few methods to choose. Thank you.

Cash Donations

You can hand donations into our office any day during regular Church office hours.


Mon – Fri
9:00 a.m – 1:00 p.m.

E-transfer donations

Send to

Mail a cheque

Northwest Barrie United Church
464 Ferndale Drive, N,
Barrie, L4N 7X7

PAR – Pre-Authorized Remittance

Contact the office to sign up for monthly automatic donations.

Canada Helps

Canada Helps is an online donation platform if you are more comfortable using an online secure method.

E-transfer donations

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